Prime Bank Credit Card – 25% Discount Offer

Prime Bank (প্রাইম ব্যাংক) up to 25% discount offer (ডিসকাউন্ট অফার) for credit card holders. Enjoy discount offers on Prime bank cards (ব্যাংক কার্ড). Customers can now buy smartphones (স্মার্টফোন), refrigerators (রেফ্রিজারেটর), AC (এসি), washing machines (ওয়াশিং মেশিন), men’s wear, women’s wear, medicine (মেডিসিন), gadgets(গ্যাজেট), shoes (সু), furniture (ফার্নিচার), grocery (গ্রোসারি), diabetic medicine (ডায়াবেটিস মেডিসিন), sweetmeats, birthday cake, and what it takes to celebrate your favorite events. Prime back is offering special discounts for Ramadan 2021. Check your favorite online shop and purchase your favorite products.