City Bank American Xpress Card Offering Discount Offer for Buying Medicine From Health Pharma BD. Buy imported medicine, vaccine (ভ্যাকসিন), diabetics machine (ডায়াবেটিক মেশিন), insulin (ইনসুলিন), medical equipment (মেডিকেল ইকুইপমেন্ট), pulse oximeter, thermometer (থার্মোমিটার), wheelchair (হুইল চেয়ার) with so many others and get 7% discount offer (ডিসকাউন্ট অফার).
Only American Xpress card users are eligible to get this discount offer. To get this offer use promo Code: HPCB7. This offer is valid till the end of ramadan 2021 (রমাদান ২০২১). is the online gateway to your favorite medical store. Any kind of Medicines are available for Remote area with Reasonable Price