City bank AMEX card (আমেরিকান এক্সপ্রেস কার্ড) members get up to 50% savings and cashback up to 10% (ক্যাশব্যাক অফার) when making an online purchase. AMEX card members can enjoy this offer till December 31, 2021. This offer is valid only on POS and e-commerce transactions. Besides AMEX cardholders, all American Express card members are eligible to enjoy this offer. Please see the partner list. And for more information please visit now.
Merchant List
Aadi, Amassbd, Beshideshi, Bishworang, Catseye, Deshal.Net, Doctordekhao, Easytrax, Esquireelectronicsltd, Freeland, Healthpharma, Infolinkbd, Kaykraft, Selfcare.Link3, Mahmudmart, Orionfootwearbd, Orponbd, Rawnation, Shadleens, Trendy-Tracker, Triangle, Vibrantbd, Wellfoodonline, Zantrik, Healthmart.Dh.Health